About center
Center for Rational Use of Medicines (CRUM)
For realization of the State program "Salamatty Kazakhstan", the Project of Ministry of Health and the World bank of reconstruction and development "Transfer of technologies and carrying out institutional reform in health care sector" in November, 2009 the Drug information and analytical center in the city of Astana was created. In November 2010 a regional department was established in Almaty. Since 2017, the Drug Center has been renamed the Center for Rational Use of Medicines (CRUM).
Main functions of the CRUM:
- granting reliable information about medicines to the people with use of various information channels and in reply to individual inquiries;
- providing information on questions of free providing with medicines, within the guaranteed volume of free medical care;
- increase of literacy of the population on the most widespread pathologies and application of preparations, possible collateral actions by means of printing information in the form of the publication in mass media, medicinal bulletins, booklets and posters;
- granting reliable information on medicines and their action, based on evidential medicine;
- providing medical workers with information in the field of rational use of medicines;
- development of methodical materials and a grant on rational use of medicines for practical health care;
- carrying out educational seminars, lectures for experts with medical and pharmaceutical education;
- rendering information and methodological help to the official commissions.
For increase of availability of medicines for the population, Medicinal information and analysis centers conduct researches on use of the medicines, ought pharmaceutical practice with use of indicators of World Health Organization, and also poll of participants of free and preferential provision of medicines at out-patient level.
Organizational structure
Zhusupova Gulzira – the head of the CRUM
Department of rational pharmacotherapy:
Esbatyrova Lazzat - the head of department
Bassibekova Ainura – the Chief specialist
Begesheva Dinara – the Chief specialist
Doskhozhayeva Nazerke– the leading specialist
Baidullaeva Didar - the leading specialist
Alkenova Marzhan - the leading specialist
Musakhan Zhanar - the leading specialist
Toktybayeva Aida - the leading specialist
Department for pharmaceutical policy improvement:
Zhaldybaeva Saule — the head of department
Skakova Ayim - the Chief specialist
Adihodzhayeva Ayim — the Chief specialist
Tamabekov Ersultan – the Chief specialist
Kablaev Ansar — the leading specialist
Department for determining the need for drugs, medical devices and medical equipement:
Utepova Dinara — the head of department
Shakarova Ardak - the Chief specialist
Ramazanova Asemgul - the Chief specialist
Nurmaganbet Shattyk - specialist
Regional department of Center for Rational Use of Medicines in Almaty:
Mussabekova Dana - the head of department
Kakeshova Botagoz - the Chief specialist
Turganova Aizhan - the Chief specialist
Center history
The Drug Information and Analytical Center is established in the frame of the “Kazakhstan Health Sector Technology Transfer and Institutional Reform” Project between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. It is key element of the component E “Pharmaceutical Policy Reform”.
The system of Drug Information Centers (DIC) has wide international practice. In 1962, the first drug information center was opened at the University of Kentucky Medical Center. There were about 120 drug information centers in 1995. At this date DIC works in Canada, Australia, Japan, Portugal, African and Asian countries, Europe, Malaysia, and China. DIC is not only source of the evidence-based information on pharmaceuticals and a stage of the Formulary system development, improvement of information quality on pharmaceuticals for population, improvement of a solidary responsibility for health of citizens and optimization of the drug purchase within the Guaranteed Volume of Free Medical Aid.
Thanks to assistance of ZdravPlus project and United States Agency for International Development the first Drug Information Center was opened in Kazakhstan (Karaganda) in 2001. The project was closed on completing in 2003. In 2009, the Government reopened the Drug Information Center activity within the project of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The specialists of those countries, where the information centers became an integral part of public health services, were involved to this project. In this regard contract on the joint engagement was made with Euro Health Group health Consultancy Company. Drug Information Centers, as a basis of the methodology of adequate and rational use of medicines, have been working steadily for the past 20-30 years. The establishment of a system of Drug information and analytical centers in the Republic of Kazakhstan involves the accumulation and use of experience gained in the world, the adaptation of acceptable elements to the reality of the existing health care system.
In our country, a large amount of information on the use, quality, effectiveness and compatibility of medicines is published and distributed in the media. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish advertising from reliable facts.
In 2009, under the leadership of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in conjunction with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, within the framework of the project " Kazakhstan Health Sector Technology Transfer and Institutional Reform ", the Drug Information and Analytical Center (further - LIAC and its 15 regional departments was established to provide the population and healthcare workers of Kazakhstan with objective and qualitative information.
The main goal of the establishment of the Drug Information and Analytical Center is to promote the rational use of medicines, by communicating to the public, pharmacists and medical specialists objective and reliable information on drugs, developing a formulary system, providing answers to requests based on evidence-based medicine base, placing information in the media and promoting the development of joint responsibility of citizens for their health.
Also, the main functions of the DIAC include the provision of information on the issues of free provision of medicines within the guaranteed volume of free medical care, increasing the literacy of the population for the most common pathologies and the use of drugs, their possible side effects. Information is provided in the form of publication in the media, medical bulletins, booklets and posters.
In addition, the development of methodological materials and manuals for the rational use of medicines for practical health care, the holding of educational seminars, lectures for specialists with medical and pharmaceutical education, the provision of information and methodological assistance to formulary commissions, and others.
In 2011, the Drug Information and Analytical Center opened a free Call-service for informing the population and medical professionals – 8 800 080 88 887. The line is worked for all who needs consultation concerning rational and safe use of medicines. Making a call in call-service, it is possible to receive information on questions of replacement of medicines and storage conditions, about the civil rights to medicinal arrangement within the Guaranteed Volume of Free Medical Care, efficiency of preparations and possible side effects.
In the work specialists of Drug Information and Analytical Center use evidence-based sources and the international databases on medicines, providing objective information.